Coder Talks Wanted for DrupalCon Sydney
One of the many hats I wear these days is Development and Coding Track Chair for DrupalCon Sydney 2013. As outlined in the track description we are planning on showcasing what is awesome today in Drupal 7 and the cool stuff that is coming in Drupal 8. Given that there are no core conversations in Sydney we are trying to put together a more intermediate-to-advanced level track. I want people to come to these sessions and go away with their heads full of ideas about what they can do better in their next project.
If you have a session that you think fits that brief then please submit something. If you want to ask me anything before submitting your session, feel free to contact me. The decision on which sessions are accepted will be made in late October / early November by the track team, the global track chairs, the content chair and myself in a collaborative decision making process. The accepted sessions will be announced on 13 November.
Although the event won’t be as big as a northern hemisphere DrupalCon, it is going to be full of great people. The initial 100 early bird tickets sold out in less than 8 hours!
Please be aware that there is no financial support available for speakers and you will be required to buy a speakers ticket at a cost of 165USD.
Submissions close at 23:59 AEST (UTC+10) on 26 October so submit a session today!