Google Analytics
As some of you may have noticed I use Google Analytics on my site for statistics. I also use webalizer for basic visitor stats. I have found Google Analytics provides more information in a better format than webalizer. The downsides of Google Analytics is that it is non free SaaS, it uses flash and that it lacks the ability to drill down to get more information.
As of today, the flash problem is still there (I am yet to test it with gnash), but the amount of information and how that data is displayed has improved dramatically. For those of you interested in the new look analytics, google has produced a tour.
Here is a quick summary my stats:
- My top 5 pages are:
- my Ubuntu Dapper running on a Sun Fire T2000 review (accounts for about one third of my traffic)
- Dave Hall Consulting Home Page
- Dave Hall Consulting blog (yes this is my lame attempt at google bombing
- my ideas for a new a new release model for phpGroupWare
- my account of getting a Google Summer of Code position for phpGroupWare
- About one third of my visitors are repeat offenders
- The Americas, Europe and Oceania each account for more than 25% of my visitors, while only 2 came from Africa
- Over 60% of my visitors use Mozilla Firefox, while less than a quarter use Internet Explorer (I suspect my blog spammer is responsible for a chunk of this. I suspect the 2 visitors using “Mozilla Compatible Agent” are Iceweasel users.
- Less than 5% of my visitors have a screen width less than 1024 pixels, and all but 1 visitor has a length of at least 600px. I would like to see a pic of the setup of the repeat visitor with a 2560x1024 setup
- Most of my visitors have flash available, but only 1 was using gnash
- Almost 97% of my visitors had Java installed
- My traffic is growing
If you made it this far you are either a) a very fast reader, b) skipped a lot of the stats, c) unlike 80% of my visitors who leave the site within the first minute (read they got bored with reading my long blog posts).