Recent Posts

Now that Dell is shipping Ubuntu loaded machines in the US, there has been some discussion on the Australian Ubuntu LoCo …

cat hello_world.c #include <stdio.h> main() { printf ("Hello World!\n"); } $ gcc hello_world.c -o …

For the last week I have almost exclusively been using a PowerPC Mac - claimed by Apple to be a great platform just a …

I am bashing out this post on a unreliable 384/64kpbs UTMS (3G data) connection, which feels painfully slow at times …

It has been many years since I caught peak hour trains. Last time I did it was about 5 years ago when I was working at …

I am bashing out this post while sitting on the train as I head off to SGI. I have landed a 2 month contract position …

I noticed a few geeks had mentioned mugshot in their blogs (sorry too lazy to dig up references), so I signed up. I am …

As some of you may have noticed I use Google Analytics on my site for statistics. I also use webalizer for basic visitor …

I think I am pretty lucky that I only have 1 comment spammer on my blog. Every day he posts an ever expanding list of …