
Fixing Zimbra's Broken debs
As much as I love Zimbra, I find their Debian packaging frustrating. Why do they insist on …

$100 Drupal Site Series: Part 4 - Platforms
So far in this series we have covered a potential target market and business plan, …

Making it Easier to Spawn php-cgi on Debian and Ubuntu
Apache is a great web server, but sometimes I need something a bit more lightweight. I …

Packaging Doctrine for Debian and Ubuntu
I have been indoctrinated into to the everything on production machines should be packaged …

Howto Setup a Private Package Repository with reprepro and nginx
As the number of servers I am responsible for grows, I have been trying to eliminate all …

Packaging Drush and Dependencies for Debian
Lately I have been trying to avoid non packaged software being installed on production …

Building Debian (and Ubuntu) Meta Packages
Over the last few weeks I have been building a bunch of Debian packages (aka debs) for a …

OS X and Macs - the Windows killer?
For the last week I have almost exclusively been using a PowerPC Mac - claimed by Apple to …