
A quick guide on how to stream AWS Step Function logs to AWS CloudWatch.

Anyone with a moderate level of AWS experience will have learned that Amazon offers more …

Apache Solr is an excellent full text index search engine based on Lucene. Solr is …

Over the last few weeks I have been building a bunch of Debian packages (aka debs) for a …

Vodafone in Australia offers a pretty good mobile data plan - 5Gb for $39.95 per month. …

Update 2013: Some comments suggest that Gigabyte are now using 7zip, not rar as their …

Not long before my old laptop got to the end of it usable lifespan I started playing with …

About 7 weeks ago I bought a Nokia N95 and I love it. I considered the Neo 1973 from …

I have a few clients running IPCop firewall appliance boxes, but for more complex setups …